Bars V’s Gel’s V’s Carb Drinks

Bars V’s Gel’s V’s Drinks

For many of you that are tackling races in early 2016 such as 6Ft Track, be aware that after Christmas these races come around very quickly! By the time the Christmas Festivities are over and maybe you have had a holiday away, then its the Australia Day long weekend etc etc, before you know it is 6 weeks until race day and you panic that you’ve been having too good a time and need to play catch up! Sound familiar?

Training over the Christmas period can be maintained easily if you are consistent but back off the intensity. Take it back a notch and  do it for enjoyment and don’t focus so much on training adaptations for a couple of weeks. Train somewhere different and it will be a lot of fun as you explore.

Also use this time to start experimenting with fuelling and nutrition for your race. Will you use gels or bars? Will you use carb loaded drinks? There are pro’s and con’s for all three and what you use depends on the race and individual preferences. Here is great document to help you work out the best form of carbohydrate replacement for you and your race.


It is important to consider the purpose of these products. Typically, the main purpose is to provide a convenient source of carbohydrate. During exercise, muscles must have carbohydrate available to work at its best capacity. When exercising for longer than around 60-90 minutes, carbohydrate stores require topping up to maintain high intensity.
In addition to being a convenient and compact form of carbohydrate, another advantage of specialised sports foods is that they can also provide other elements such as sodium, caffeine, possibly protein and can be formulated to provide ‘multiple transportable carbohydrates’ in the right ratio to allow for higher hourly carbohydrate intakes with reduced risk of gastrointestinal distress.
Sports foods are different to standard snack foods and fall into their own category of the Australian Food Standards Code. This allows for greater additions of ingredients such as vitamins, minerals or specific amino acids compared to other foods, but this also means they must contain a label declaring ‘Not suitable for children under 15 years of age or pregnant women: Should only be used under medical or dietetic supervision’. This does not mean all sports foods are unsafe for pregnancy or children, but it is wise to check with Accredited Sports Dietitian.
Is there a single best choice? No, it all depends on preference and individual needs. Can you pay too much for unnecessary additions, marketing and claims… possibly yes…read on….

Sports drinks are a carbohydrate and sodium containing beverages (sometimes with other additions like protein or magnesium) that should not be confused with ‘energy drinks’, which are highly caffeinated drinks usually without significant sodium content. Sports Drinks have been used in research for years and when compared to plain water they have consistently shown to; enhance performance over a variety of distances, encourage fluid intake and promote better fluid retention. Overall, they are a convenient way to address fluid fuel and electrolyte needs in one product.
Look for carbohydrate content between 4-8%, higher concentrations can be achieved with a concentrated mix or additional carbohydrate solution in a ratio of 2:1, glucose to fructose.
Some sports drinks have only low to moderate sodium content, but the best option is to look for a sodium content around 50mg/100ml.

Reasons and situations for use:
• Easily manipulated to suit requirements eg diluted, extra sodium and/or carbohydrate;
• Can be bought in bulk powder form to decrease cost per serve or make travelling with ;product more convenient
• Useful addition to carbohydrate loading plans to boost carbohydrate intake without feeling; too full
• Convenient ‘all in one option’ when fluid and fuel must be carried.

Watch out for:
• Carbohydrate content can vary, check labels carefully to match with your nutrition plan;
• Carbohydrate is not always required during exercise and overconsumption of sports drink; may lead to unnecessary excess daily energy intake;
• Warm sports drinks can be quite unpalatable so if your drink is going to sit around in the sun for hours consider taking an esky/cooler bag or freezing your bottle and letting it defrost over the day;
• Sports drinks can damage teeth, consider dental hygiene (Sports Dietitians Australia have a useful factsheet if you want to read more on this topic);
• Claims that addition of minerals such as magnesium and/or trace amounts of amino acids will greatly enhance performance of the drink, there is limited evidence for this.

Sports gels are a popular choice amongst triathletes, cyclists and runners. They are a sweet, gooey, convenient source of concentrated carbohydrate, usually in a single serve pack. Most gels provide between 20-30g of carbohydrate, and usually contain sodium with no fat or protein. Many gels have a mixture of glucose and fructose to help intestinal absorption of higher intakes of carbohydrate, but take care if you have fructose intolerance. Gels may contain caffeine in amounts varying between 8-80mg per serve. Sports gels come in a huge range of flavours.

Reasons and situations for use:
• Easily be taped to bike frames or running belts, lightweight, compact and very portable;
• Quite durable, won’t get squashed or go soggy like a sandwich might;
• Can be a convenient source of caffeine during events but check the label carefully as content can vary significantly;
• Useful source of carbohydrate when fluid is provided on route.

What to watch out for:
• If you tasted a gel sample and thought it was ok, don’t assume that you will feel the same on your eighth gel of a race. Gels are very sweet and ‘flavour fatigue’ is common – consider packing a range of flavours to avoid this;
• Don’t forget hydration, relying on gels does not address fluid needs and consuming gels without fluid increases the risk of diarrhoea or cramping
• Empty gel packets can be a sticky mess but please don’t litter

Sports bars are energy dense bars containing carbohydrate and varying amounts of protein, fat and micronutrients. Compared to gels and drinks, they have the greatest variation of ingredients and nutritional content. Different bars have different benefits for use before, during or after exercise so check labels carefully. Many bars include protein. This will not necessarily drive performance during an event if carbohydrate needs are adequate, but it can help start the recovery process early. Including protein containing bars during exercise could be a useful option particularly through heaving training weeks.
Some bars contain whole grains and provide fibre making them more appropriate for everyday use but may not be as appropriate during high intensity events if you frequently experience gastrointestinal upset.

Reasons and situations to use:
• Sports bars can be more filling and substantial, ideal for longer events and training days when hunger is an issue;
• Convenient, non-perishable and portable option as a replacement to other foods when away from home with limited access to ‘real foods’;
• Energy dense option to add to meal plans during busy days away from home when energy needs are high;
• Bars containing protein make a convenient recovery choice when other food is not available.

What to watch out for:
• In the colder weather, some sports bars may go so hard, making it difficult to chew and can even be inedible (keep bars close to your body in cold weather to help keep them soft). In the heat, others can melt and be a sticky mess;
• Bars require more chewing and time than gels or sports drink so if the event is short and fast and/or has lots of technical elements, bars may not be the best choice;
• High energy bars need to be matched to high energy needs or they can quickly become an expensive source of excess energy;
• Higher fat or fibre bars may delay gastric emptying, making carbohydrate less easily available and may increase risk of stomach discomfort or cramping.

Article written by Accredited Sports Dietitian Tanya Lewis

Summer BeachFit 2016 – The Fastest Way To Get Fit and Get Over the Christmas Blowout!

Christmas Festivities getting to your waistline already? Book in Now to Blow Off the Post Christmas Belly Bulge and Start 2016 Fit and Fresh!

Bookings for Summer 2016 Now Open! But Hurry – numbers are limited!


BeachFit is a 10 Week Intensive Program that is run by Energy Fitness 3 times a year at Greenhills Beach Cronulla, in the Sutherland Shire.

With the help of the Beach and the Sand Dunes, this high intensity program produces great results year after year (it started in 2006).

The benefits of running on sand are many:

  • Increased effort burns more calories
  • Great for improving leg strength, muscle stabilisation and core
  • Low impact on soft sand is great for joints
  • Increases in fitness are gained quickly
  • Weigh-ins before and after program show consistent body fat loss across participants
  • All participants notice a marked improvement in fitness, body composition, muscle tone and endurance
  • Variety of training in both sandhills and on the beach as well as water work when weather permits.

BeachFit is held in a low key, supportive atmosphere, and there is no ‘bootcamp’ yelling and abuse – just hard work and lots of fun. Every 90min session is different. Finish the session with a swim to cool off (if you’re not already wet) and you will start the day feeling amazing. Completing each session gives you a great feeling of accomplishment and you are guaranteed to enjoy yourself and get the results you want!

Programs are run October-Dec, and Feb-April. All sessions start from the carpark at Greenhills, Cronulla.

The Next BeachFit Program starts Monday 1st February 2016 and runs until 6th April, 2016.

For More Information and to make a booking or enquiry please visit the Energy Fitness Website here.

Bookings are now open, limited numbers available per day.

RESULTS ARE GUARANTEED (the program has been running for almost 10 years with consistent results) AND SUPPORTED WITH NUTRITIONAL ADVICE OVER THE 10 WEEKS.


“I have participated in a number of Simone’s BeachFit training programmes over the past 18 months. Simone offers a fantastic 10 week programme based around high intensity training on sand which is low impact on joints making recovery from each session much easier with little or no soreness in between sessions.

Like many things in life you get out of it what you put into it. If you follow Simone’s training programme and her dietary recommendations & suggestions you are guaranteed to achieve your desired results whether that be weight loss, building muscle mass or general increased level of fitness.

You can achieve even better results if you supplement Simone’s two weekly sessions with one or two other exercise sessions per week. Simone makes the sessions as much fun as possible and no two training sessions are ever the same which is the thing I liked most.

I would not hesitate to recommend Energy Fitness BeachFit to anyone !!”

 Brad Smith, Gymea Bay


“Beach fit offers me everything that I need for an awesome workout!  I find the combination of waves, sun, sand and movement a perfect workout for me.  Beach fit has helped me to look and feel stronger. I have also noticed a tremendous increase in my energy level.

In conjunction with running Beach fit has enhanced my level of fitness.  It provides an all over body workout in the best environment imaginable. The mix of working out on the beach one week to sand hills the next provides a varied workout that never gets boring.

A few years ago I took up the challenge of ultra-marathons and beach fit provides me with the extra leg strength required to help me be stronger and fitter to reach the end of those long runs. I can honestly say I can run for 3 hours and not feel as exhausted or exhilarated as doing a session of beach fit.

I enjoy the workouts and look forward to every class”

Susan Jay, Gymea Bay

6ft Track & Ultra Trail Australia (The North Face 100) Trail Running Workshop

Energy Fitness/Bioathletic Running – Next Workshop

The next Running Workshop being held is on 22nd November, 2015 and will target 6Ft Track and Ultra Trail Australia (The North Face50/100).

With entries for Ultra Trail Australia opening next week, there is no better time to start approaching your training with experienced trail runners and running coaches, so that you are training specifically for these races.

If you are new to trail running, new to these events or are looking to PB the event, this course will cover all aspects of the course, technical aspects of trail running on the specific terrain for the race, strength & conditioning for trail runners, again, specifically for these races, fuelling for training and racing endurance events such as these, injury prevention and getting your mental preparation right for race day.


Delivering the course will be:

Peter Colagiuri – Physio (Bioathletic), Level 2 Running Coach and Ultra Runner (5 North Face 100 finishes)

Simone Hayes – Personal Trainer (Energy Fitness), Level 2 Running Coach and Ultra Runner (4 North Face 100 Finishes & 3 6ft Track finishes)

Robynne Jeftha – Sports Dietician and Runner


The 5 hour course will include a mix of practical (including at least 2 hours of running) and theory and some refreshments. Please bring your own lunch.


WHEN: 8am-1pm Sunday 22nd November, 2015

WHERE: Royal National Park

COST: $90


Our last clinic targeted Coastal Classic and received fantastic feedback from all attendees as well as producing PB’s from all on race day. We look forward to helping you achieve the same success in these upcoming races, and also embrace the joy of trail running.


Places are limited. Book now to secure your spot.



Coastal Classic Running Workshop

As runners, our race performance comes down to a few key elements: arriving at the start line strong and uninjured, with the right fuelling strategy. And we can ruin months of hard work if any one of these factors lets us down on race day.

Energy Fitness Running Workshops

Get these elements right with tips from the pro’s to make sure that your race day goes to plan.

In the first part of the workshop, we’ll cover:

Race-Specific Strength Training – choosing the right exercises, exercise design for home or gym, integration with your running training and a practical strength session 

Presented by Simone Hayes (Level 2 Running Coach, PT and Ultrarunner)

Hydration and Fuelling in Training and Racing – the right nutrition plan to match your training, taper week planning and tips and tricks for race day 

Presented by Robynne Jeftha (Sports Dietitian, Exercise Physiologist and Runner)

Injury prevention – identify any injury risks or problem areas and fix them before injury interrupts your training 

Presented by Peter Colagiuri (Sports Physiotherapist, Level 2 Running Coach and Ultrarunner)

In the second part of the workshop, we invite you to join us for a 1-2 hour run, which aims to target race conditions and caters to differing levels of ability.

Places are limited. Book now to secure your spot.

When: Sunday 26th July 2015

Time: 8am – 1pm

Where:  Heathcote, Sydney

Why: Target Race: Coastal Classic

Cost: Only $60

Winter Meltdown Challenge 2015

The Winter Meltdown Challenge is back for 2015!!

If you want a really life changing program to lose those last stubborn kilos, learn to take control of your diet and life and stop wondering why you can’t lose weight, look no further.

This is a simple, effective challenge with PROVEN RESULTS. There are no shortcuts, just honest and helpful feedback that will have you achieving those weight loss goals finally.

It is a social, fun and totally supported program that you will not only enjoy, but will take away tools that you can use for the rest of your life.

What are you waiting for??

Bookings are open now, the Challenge starts on the 12th July.

See the flyer for more info.

WMC Flyer 2015