Feb Fit & Lean…..Fast! 4 Week Post Xmas Detox & Exercise Plan


Feeling the effects of a fun Festive Season? Has overindulgence left you with a few extra kg’s?? Suffering from Grog Gut?

Yes? Read on!

Are you ready to get back into your training routine, but you are feeling sluggish and want to feel better sooner rather than later? Then wait no more!

I have developed a 4 week Program to kick-start  your 2016, and help you find your way back to feeling fabulous like you did before Santa started loading up his sleigh, and Grandma started boiling the Christmas Puddings! You know, back in the days when it was more work and less play? Hard to believe that it wasn’t that long ago! How quickly our diets and waistlines can go down the toilet!

Welcome to……………Feb Fit & Lean…Fast!

Call it a Mini-Winter Meltdown Challenge if you like, as it is group focused, although can be done alone. It is nutrition and exercise based, focusing on cleaning up your diet after Christmas, cleansing your liver, reducing your alcohol intake and gradually increasing your weekly exercise routine so that you can get back into your usual habits (or start creating one!)

The 4 week program starts on Monday 1st Feb and is only $60 per person. You will be added to a private facebook page once payment has been received. Here you will receive the program and nutritional plan that will take you through the 4 weeks. You can plan your sessions with fellow participants (optional), be able to interact with me and ask questions along the way, as well as chat to other participants. (Similar to WMC).

You will do your own weigh in at the start, and then weekly to be accountable for your actions through the week, but more importantly, so I can see if you need any extra help. There is no winner at the end  – you will all be winners!

This is a great supplement to BeachFit or your training in general, and should be used in conjunction with your normal classes to get the most out of it.

Sign ups are open NOW – you can join by emailing me at simone@energyfitnessgymea.com.au

For Payments:


BSB 012341

AC 451899887

Simone Hayes

Please put your name and FFLF in the reference.

What are you waiting for? Get Fit & Lean – Fast, in Feb!